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To your contact person
PRUFTECHNIK Maintenance Technology Service Inc.
4406, Rue Louis-B.-Mayer
QC H7P 0G1 Laval

    Repair and Calibration

    Repair and Calibration

    Get the best out of your alignment or vibration system

    • Calibration in our high-tech test and calibration lab

    • Repair service

    • Worldwide service and calibration centers

    Our calibration service includes:

    • High-tech test in a calibration lab

    • Cleaning and inspection of the system, including parts to make sure all are in proper working condition

    • Check system operation, including any preventative repair if needed to make sure the system works as a whole

    • Update system firmware to current version (if applicable)

    Repair and Calibration

    Please complete the online form to request a repair or calibration service.

    Send a request

    For questions, please contact:

    Customer Care Team BENELUX

    +49 89 99616 017

    Ensure maximum reliability
    and precision of your measurement jobs

    Calibration Service

    Alignment and condition monitoring instruments require proper maintenance, care and calibration at specific intervals to achieve the highest possible measurement reliability and accuracy. Please refer to the individual operating manuals for the recommended recalibration interval. In most cases calibration accuracy checks are conducted every two years.

    Poorly maintained alignment systems may lead to inaccurate measurements and incorrect results. All calibrations are performed in our high-tech test and measurement lab by our Service Team.

    The standards and standard measurement equipment used for calibration are recalibrated at specific intervals according to the standards of the German PTB (Physikalisch- Technischen Bundesanstalt) and other national standards.

    PRUFTECHNIK Service Center helps you achieve an optimal, long-lasting alignment of your machines.