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Please contact the PRUFTECHNIK team for any product or service inquiry.

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To your contact person
United Kingdom
Fluke Reliability Solutions
52 Hurricane Way
NR6 6JB Norwich
United Kingdom

    Repair and Calibration

    Repair and calibration request

    With our repair and calibration service we ensure maximum reliability and precision of your measurement system.
    Complete the form and send us your repair and calibration request. After submitting the request form please ship your system or component to us:

    FAO Fluke Reliability
    Fluke UK Ltd
    52 Hurricane Way
    NR6 6JB Norwich
    United Kingdom

    Please can all Republic and Northern Irish customers wanting calibration or service please contact our UK office before shipping device.

    Hire device supplied at a reduced rate
    If during the evaluation of your device our calibration technicians assess that repair work is required, then the device/component will be required to be sent to our repair facility in Germany. If requested, the loaner will be shipped to you after our evaluation at our facility using whatever shipping service you request (if none is requested, UPS Ground service will be used). You will only be responsible for the shipping charges of the loaner device to your facility and any repair charges that will be quoted once we receive the service report from Germany.


    Company Details

    Contact Person

    Repair and Calibration