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Trade-In & Trade-Up with Prüftechnik

There’s never been a better time to upgrade to the newest Prüftechnik laser shaft alignment and vibration analysis tools.

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Now, get up to a 20% discount when upgrading to a new Pruftechnik tool from September to December, 2023.

Trade-In & Trade-Up with Prüftechnik, a Fluke Reliability Company, and get up to a 20% discount when upgrading to a Shaft Alignment or Condition Monitoring tool

This program is valid from September 2023 to December 2023.Trade-in your legacy Prüftechnik or comparable product from another manufacturer and receive up to 20% off your new Rotalign, Rotalign EX, Optalign, Shaftalign, Levalign, Pullalign, Vibscanner 2, Vibguard tools.

This offer is valid only in the United States and Canada.


The demands on quality production are more challenging than ever. There is an expectation for maintenance work to be carried out quickly, correctly and accurately, which places demands on measuring tools.

If your tools are broken or coming to the end of life, this will significantly impact your ability to keep your machines up and running. Prüftechnik, a Fluke Reliability Company, has the solution.

* Ask for the Extended Warranty programm to maximize your ROI


Step 1 - Fill out the form below and someone will contact you

Step 2 - Include the promo code provided to you on your purchase order

Step 3 - Provide proof of discontinuance, destruction or mail in your trade-in product.

Step 4 - Receive your new Pruftechnik product and start optimizing your workload!

Laser Shaft alignment and vibration analysis tools

Contact your sales representative and request your upgrade today!